Thursday, 22 August 2019

We've seen what a powerful tool videos are in teaching a subject and analysed ideas to improve our students' motivation. Then we have created our own videos with Screencastomatic, which was a superb experience and really easy thanks to our teacher, Layla.
Finally, we played a little with Kahoot and Socrative.
Only one day left, time flies when you have fun.
Class outline:
1.- Kahn Academy – video – Let’s use video to reinvent education

2.- 21 simple ideas to improve students’ motivation.

Select the most important ones and discuss.

3.- screencastomatic for videos

Start recording for free -> launch free recorder (you download the programme and open it).

We make a video with our presentation

4.- We play with kahoot

5.- Socrative for games. We can have accounts as teachers and Ss (better with different browsers). You can ask them as you are speaking, so they pay more attention. There are different options for questions, we can add pictures…

You get 3 options: instant feedback, open navigation (Ss decide the time and order), Teacher pace We decide time and order)

As always, everything is posted on Trello


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